When the British took over New Amsterdam
(1664), renaming it New York , the
area of Chinatown , parts of Tribeca, and parts of the
Court district were covered by Collect Pond.
This was a spring-fed, freshwater pond 60 feet deep that supplied New
York farmers and merchants with their water. The pond is gone, but the springs are still
there, so next time you are in Chinatown you can think
about walking on water.

As the town grew in the 18th century, merchants
built homes near the edge of the pond in what would later be called Five Points
to enjoy the water. That is, until the
tanners, slaughterhouses and breweries on Bayard
Street started dumping their waste matter into the
water, polluting it until the water was unusable and stank. The homeowners were disappointed as was the
owner of Coulthard Brewer (aka “Old Brewery) and searched for a solution in the
The value of real estate being of primary influence in New York, and after some
lobbying of the politicos, it was decreed that the pond should be filled in. Unfortunately, the job, probably done by
government bid, was done poorly. Shortly
after the pond was buried, methane gas escaped the landfill, the stink of which
finally drove the sensible and prosperous tenants to move to more habitable
parts of the island. Their homes were
left to be inhabited by those less fortunate who would tolerate not only the
smell of the methane, but the smell of the slaughterhouse and the tanneries (a
ripe cheese smell) and the sewage and carcass matter that bubbled up from the
pond through the earth on rainy days.

Dozens of people moved into what became “boarding houses,” living
on the second floors and above while pigs, chickens, and goats were housed on
the ground floor. Hence they could answer
the phrase, “were you raised in a barn?” with a resounding “yes I was.” When the “Old Brewery” closed down and was
abandoned (although it is certain that other breweries continued in existence),
the building was turned into a tenement in which there was one murder every
night for fifteen years. I supposed one
had to have suicidal tendencies to rent there.
That building has been torn down, otherwise it would probably be on a “ghost
The Irish and freed slaves were the majority of tenants who made
Five Points as home – mainly because they were not readily welcome in others
part of Manhattan. They integrated in
the houses and tenements and mixed socially.
[Their dances – the African shuffle and the Irish jig developed into tap

Five Points became the most densely populated area of Manhattan . It was also the Sixth Ward and the Irish
formed gangs that influenced voters to elect Irishmen to city offices. This would eventually lead to the rise of Irish
domination of New York politics, Boss
Tweed and the hyper-inflated building of Tweed Courthouse (still standing and
available for view on Chambers Street
between Broadway & Centre Street) as well as Irish domination of the police
force. The Irish Catholic churches
formed schools demanding that the Irish rise intellectually.
The Irish gangs fought against each other and there were
riots. One of them, the Dead Rabbits
Riot of 1857, started at 40-42 Bowery (home of the Bowerie Boys). Those houses are still standing and just for
the sake of history might be worth a look if you’re in the neighborhood.

The gangs also competed with each other in the manner of
firefighting, each trying to reach the fire first and going so far as to turn
over each others trucks, thus allowing the fire to demolish a building and
possibly kill a few people so that everyone came out an equal loser. Wooden buildings began to be replaced by
brick ones and the 19th century architecture currently houses
tenants and stores in modern Chinatown , but you have too
look past signs.
The first Chinese tenant in Five Points was Ah Ken, who started
a cigar-rolling business. As the
business prospered, other Chinese men came to work for him and to start their
own cigar-rolling businesses. One man
started a laundry and other followed.
The men were willing to live in the squalor that was Five Points to earn
a living as the Irish and African Americans moved uptown. The Chinese immigrants started their own
markets, theaters, and gangs. Their gangs,
called tongs, were social, political and sometimes criminal, but the had
nothing to do with the fire department luckily.
Of course, the Chinese immigrants were no more welcome than
the Irish or freed slaves or any other immigrant willing to take lower wages
than anyone else, but the Chinese were the only ones to have a law passed
preventing immigration. The Chinese
Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 and only repealed in 1943. The act suspended immigration so that there
would be no more legal Chinese immigration, and men already in the US
could not bring their wives to live with them, and if the men left the US
to visit their families, it was difficult for them to return.
A few Chinese women lived in Five Points, wives who had
managed to get to the US
before the law, but many were prostitutes who were smuggled into the
country. According to the 1900 census,
there were 7028 Chinese men in Five Points and 142 women. In some ways, it must have been like a male prison
– men only, limited resources, glass walls all around instead of iron bars.
But still, they managed to prosper.
post by Alana Cash
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